Improve and enhance your workforce safety with clinical-grade biometrics to alert from fatigue, as well as monitor for physical changes that can impact health and wellness.
Workers died on the job in 2019
Deaths are
reported daily
Reported Severe Injuries a Year
Employee Will Have a Severe Injury or Be Killed on the Job while you read this
At Safety Biometrics, we understand the physical challenges that your employees and managers face daily. Learn more below on how we can assist you and your team in making better scheduling recommendations and providing help in case of need.
Improve and enhance your workforce safety with Clinical-Grade Biometrics to alert from fatigue, and monitor for physical changes that can impact health and wellness on the job.
With current changes in legislation and growing innovation in Biometric Monitoring, Safety Managers can address the physical challenges and demands employees are dealing with and provide them with the right tools to prevent incidents and take better care of their well-being during the workday.
Safer Employees
Safer Organizations
Safer Industries
Safety Biometrics is a leading Innovator in workplace safety technology. We offer companies Biometric Wearable Technology to reduce risk and increase worker effectiveness. Our state-of-the-art communications software keeps the modern workforce connected, productive, and safe.